How to recognize parasites in the human body

what parasites can live in the human body

It is often difficult to determine the presence of parasites in the human body. It is almost impossible to do it yourself. Because in the early stages you may simply not realize that something is wrong with your health. And in the later stages, when real health problems begin, the symptoms are usually attributed to something else and are mostly treated separately, without a deep understanding of the problem.

There is nothing more disgusting than the thought of a worm living in your stomach, but there are those who want to voluntarily ingest the parasite to lose weight or "get rid of toxins"

After reading this article, you can study the problem in more detail and find out in time how to determine the presence of parasites in the body, that is, to restore the full picture of your body.

What parasites can be in our body

Essentially, the organisms that parasitize our organs are divided into two types: endoparasites and ectoparasites.

Endoparasites parasitize our body and other tall organisms, they live inside them and feed on the cells of organisms. Endoparasites are all worms, giardia, toxoplasma, echinococci. This can be both fungi and bacteria, viruses.

The second type of bacteria are ectoparasites. They live on the surface of bodies, that is, in our nature, on our body. Their food is the cells of our tissues, such as the skin, as well as our blood. In particular, these are parasites such as bedbugs, lice, fleas, ticks. Mosquitoes and flies are also called ectoparasites.

How to determine the presence of parasites in the body by symptoms

How to find out if there are parasites in the body can be both in its appearance and in its internal state.

There are many symptoms associated with parasites. Because these symptoms are quite popular, they are also symptoms of common diseases, people usually do not even suspect their presence in the body. Therefore, the symptoms are treated separately and they in turn reappear after treatment.

You can often find doctors' recommendations for starting treatment when several symptoms from the following groups of prophylactic drugs against parasites appear. In any case, this will help you become healthier. Below we will look at a complete list of symptoms, categorized by groups, and learn how to determine if your body has parasites.

Symptoms of the digestive tract

symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human body
  1. constipation.Worms can be quite large. Therefore, they can block some of the outlets of the digestive system. Some parasites can completely close the intestinal and biliary tract. This usually affects your stools. It can become rare and difficult;
  2. diarrhea.Diarrhea is generally thought to be a well-known reaction to poor nutrition. But this is not always the case. Many bacteria produce hormones that affect the stool in this way;
  3. gas and bloating.Very often parasites are found in the small intestine and this usually leads to flatulence followed by profuse gas. If the bloating is almost constant, then this is a reason to think about the possible presence of parasites in the body;
  4. irritable bowel syndrome.Because parasites live by feeding on substances from our body, such as fat, the intestinal walls are often irritated. And this is followed by a certain amount of symptoms and a decrease in the absorption of nutrients. Thus, the substances are not absorbed, but immediately enter the colon, which leads to problems with the digestive tract.

Almost any parasitic invasion in the blood test will increase eosinophilic cells.

Joint and muscle pain

Parasites have a specific ability. They can live by moving through the body, with the task of settling in the most comfortable place in the body. One of these places is the joint fluid and muscles. The symptoms are painful, usually similar to the symptoms of arthritis, but this is not always the case.

Parasites cause great damage to muscle tissue or immunity. Therefore, their presence in the body develops into muscle pain.

External manifestations of parasites

external manifestations of the presence of parasites in the body
  1. allergies.Parasites constantly release toxins. Toxins cause great harm to the body, as large doses of special protective cells are released. They adversely affect the body and this leads to allergic reactions;
  2. problem skin.Parasites can cause not only allergies, but also various skin ulcers, acne or pimples and other external reactions. So think again if you have persistent skin problems. This will help detect the presence of worms;
  3. anemia.Many bacteria "steal" nutrients and this leads to blood loss. Hence the lack of iron;
  4. weight problems.It is generally accepted that worms can only lose weight, but this is a big misconception because parasites can gain weight. With a lot of weight loss, the reason always lies in the fact that worms digest our food faster than ourselves. The weight loss symptom is a proven way to find out if you have worms. But obesity is more complicated. It occurs due to the low level of sugar in our blood. As a result, an irresistible appetite occurs, as this negatively affects the metabolism. Also, obesity can be just a protective reaction of the body.

For intestinal parasites the main symptom is fever, nausea, vomiting, loose stools and urticaria-like skin rashes /

Symptoms caused by the nervous system

  1. Nervousness.Occurs due to irritation by parasites of important organs, even minor. However, one may not notice other symptoms. So you can identify the life of parasitic organisms based on the state of your nervous system.
  2. Sleep disorders.Very often a person associates constant awakenings with diseases of the nervous system, but more often the case is elsewhere. At night, the liver begins to work and when it removes toxic substances, our body is very active. Therefore, there may be awakenings during sleep.
  3. symptoms of the presence of parasites from the nervous system
  4. Grinding teeth during sleep.Some types of bacteria can irritate the body so much that bruxism is possible. In addition, it is a very common symptom. Thanks to it you can easily learn how to recognize the presence of foreign bodies in the organs of an adult or more often a child.
  5. Chronic fatigue syndrome.This symptom, which in some cases is an individual disease, includes many others. These are apathy, depression, fatigue, decreased attention. This is due to the fact that parasites eat a huge amount of nutrients and nutrients. And, of course, the body stops grabbing them.

If the brain is affected by cysticercosis, then nervousness, headache, seizures, pseudoepileptic seizures will be characteristic.

Other symptoms

  1. Immune disorders.Constant colds, runny nose, cough can be the consequences of a weak immune system. And this in turn weakens due to lack of nutrients.
  2. Oncological diseases.One of the most common causes of organ failure and cancer is the parasitic organism. They can sit in your organs so much that it often leads to long-term consequences - serious diseases.
  3. Inflammation of the respiratory tract.It has already been said about the movement of worms all over the body. Another of the most comfortable places is the airways. Subsequently, there is a cough, sputum and runny nose.


These are the real symptoms of parasites. Worms can live in your body for a very long time.

It is very important to know in time how to check their presence and prevent possible consequences.